Improve Your Cashflow with the No Risk Solution from OnStop
Released on = June 29, 2007, 2:21 am
Press Release Author = OnStop
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Regardless of what type of business you run or industry that you operate in, good cashflow is a critical component to your success.
Press Release Body = Regardless of what type of business you run or industry that you operate in, good cashflow is a critical component to your success.
Through no fault of their own however, many companies encounter cashflow problems which can ultimately cause them to have to close down. This is frequently the result of customers not paying their invoices on time.
OnStop offers a revolutionary service to help such companies reduce their debtor days and improve their cashflow.
This service takes two forms:
1. A national database of companies with a history of late payments which members can search prior to entering into any new business relationship.
2. Writing to late paying customers on behalf of its members. If a customer does not pay within ten days OnStop adds it to its national database. 95% of companies who receive a request from On Stop to pay do so within the required ten days.
With over 1.5 million satisfied members, OnStop is clearly an organisation worth belonging to.
Plus, since it offers a full money back guarantee to anyone who is not satisfied by the service it offers, membership represents a no risk solution to cashflow problems.
Web Site =
Contact Details = OnStop Limited Enterprise Way Airedale Business Park Keighley Road Skipton United Kingdom BD23 2TZ
0115 976 3646
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